Our mission is to promote and protect equine welfare and equine activities in Jefferson County, Colorado
The Importance of Horses in Jefferson County, Colorado
Below is a presentation prepared by Officers of JCHC and submitted to Together Jeffco, a two year process which combines efforts to update the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation & Mobility Plan, Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, Evacuation Annex and the Unified Land Use Code. The presentation highlights the economic, social, and historical benefits to the community provided by horses and their owners in Jefferson County and beyond.
Click the arrow at the bottom of the frame to advance the slides or click on the icon in the lower right of the window to view the presentation in full screen mode.
Help Keep the Jefferson County Horse Community Strong!
If you have a horse in Jefferson County or a business/organization available to horse owners and enthusiasts in Jefferson County make your voice heard by joining us today.
Remember Business Level Members get a FREE listing on the Member Owned Businesses page.