Jefferson County Horse Council is proud to partner with all local horse councils, riding clubs, equine therapy, and youth equestrian organizations.
“Horses change lives. They give our young people confidence and self-esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls, they give us hope.” — Toni Robinson, Author
Arvada Area Horsemen’s Association
The Arvada Area Horsemen’s Association represents equine enthusiasts in their mutual concern for trails, planned development, and conditions that facilitate equine activities. We work under the auspices of the City of Arvada administrating the maintenance, improvements, and use of the Indiana Equestrian Center, which is open for riding 365 days a year, dawn to dusk.
Bibber Creek Spurs 4-H
This is a horse project club with rides located at Bibber Creek Stables in Golden, CO. You do need to own, or lease, a horse for this project. Each year Bibber Creek Spurs 4-H (BCS4H) has club rides, holds clinics, horse shows and has extra educational activities for the learning and care of the horse.
Buffalo Bill Saddle Club
Founded in 1943 in Evergreen and Golden, Colorado the Buffalo Bill Saddle Club is dedicated to preserving and promoting our Western heritage through family oriented activities with our horse companions.
* Trail Rides - day rides and camping and special events
* Monthly Meetings
* Parades
* Social Events
* Gymkhanas
Boulder County Horse Association
BCHA has been a umbrella organization for all horse-related interests in Boulder County since 1971. Our educational, recreational, and collaborative activities are centered around bringing the horse community together. We also support the protection of our historic agricultural practices and livestock keeping within Boulder County. BCHA is a 501(c)3 organization, enabling contributions to the organization to be tax-deductible.
Colorado Horse Council
The Colorado Horse Council, Inc. is a grass-roots, all-breed, non-discipline specific organization dedicated to linking the horse owners and the horse industry of the State of Colorado into a powerful, common voice in order to protect their common equine interests through legislation and education. It also employs a full-time contract lobbyist, who works with the State Legislature on horse and agriculture-related issues.
Community Equestrian
Community Equestrian is an equine advocacy group dedicated to uniting the horse community and strengthening their collective voice in Colorado. Community Equestrian connects equestrians to the groups and information they need to stay informed and support their cause, promotes local horse clubs and groups to broaden their visibility and participation, supports equine professionals and educational programs, engages with governmental agencies to shape policy in support of the equine community, and networks and builds key partnerships outside the horse community to expand our support.
Douglas-Elbert Horse Council
The purpose of this council is:
To provide and association of persons having a common interest in the promotions and improvement of the horse industry in Douglas and Elbert Counties.
To provide disaster and emergency related horse rescue management and related education
To educate and report to the horse community related issues regarding land use, taxes and legislation at the county level.
To support trail, safety, and open space development and to educate the horse community on the issues.
Fleet of Angels
Fleet of Angels is a national award-winning nonprofit service organization that provides emergency grants and services nationwide for equines in crisis due to natural disasters and other situations that threaten the quality of life for equines. Grants for emergency horse hay, urgent vet care, evacuation and emergency stabling, post-disaster fence repair expenses, and emergency transportation are available for qualified individuals and small nonprofit equine rescues. FOA’s new Bonded for Life grants help prevent permanent separation of bonded horses that must be be rehomed during challenging times for owners. Almost 20,000 FOA members across America offer emergency evacuation and temporary stabling services to protect horses when disasters threaten their safety. Fleet of Angels is based in Denver, CO.
Front Range Back Country Horsemen
Front Range Back Country Horsemen (FRBCH) is a chapter of Back Country Horsemen of America (BCHA) a national service organization. We have members from the northern suburbs to towns southeast on the plains. We draw members from Denver to Brighton to Kiowa. Most of our summer activities are in the mountains within a 1 1/2 hour drive. FRBCH works to keep the trails open to saddle and pack stock today and for future generations through education, service and voice. Without trails where would we ride?
The Right Step
The Right Step, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization, has been providing therapeutic riding and equine assisted activities for children and adults with physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioral and learning disabilities since 2008. The Right Step is a PATH, Intl. Premier Accredited Center and follows their standards. PATH, Intl. is an international membership and credentialing association for equine assisted activities. The Right Step underwent rigorous credentialing by PATH Intl. to become a Premier Accredited Center to ensure utmost safety and quality in the program.
We're a non-profit organization located in Golden, Colorado, comprised of over 1,000 dedicated young people, aged 9 to 19. We encourage self-respect, responsibility and leadership through horsemanship and family participation. Since 1949, Westernaires has proudly trained young people to use their talents and skills in the best traditions of the West.