Disaster can strike at any time. Being prepared can make all the difference.
Getting Information and Help In Time of an Event:
While Jefferson County Horse Council’s Emergency Evacuation Team assists with evacuations, The Sheriff's Office Animal Control Unit is responsible for coordinating the evacuations. Facilities only accept animals from areas that have received an emergency notification for an evacuation. Owners who need assistance with evacuating their animal(s) should contact the Animal Control Unit directly at: 303-271-5070. This is a good number to include with your disaster preparation information as well as to preprogram into your phones.
JCHC recommends all large animal owners familiarize themselves with the documents linked below. These documents represent general preparedness information as well as some of the documents you will encounter during an evacuation.
Map of the Jeffco Fairgrounds Evacuation Facilities. Use this map to find the proper entrance to the evacuation area. Upon entering the Fairgrounds, you will be greeted by an EET volunteer who will provide additional information and unloading instructions.
Owner Information Form. This document provides an overview of the evacuation processes and policies.
Owner Agreement. You will be asked to sign an agreement defining roles and policies during the evacuation period. Copies of this agreement will be provided to the Owner, Jeffco Sheriff’s Department Animal Control Unit, and the EET.
Prepare Your Horse. Considerations for Preparing your Horse for a Disaster Situation, provided by the Jefferson County Horse Council
Protect Your Property. An article by Alayne Blickle, originally published on TheHorse.com on September 6, 2017
A Plan For Livestock. A handy list of tips and resources for livestock owners, provided by ReadyColorado.com
Stay Informed:
LookoutAlert is the official emergency notification system for Jefferson County. Sign up for email, text, or voice call alerts here.
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office maintains a an emergency blog that is activated only during incidents requiring public information support. The blog can be found here when active.