“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle." — Winston Churchill
Ride On.
Jefferson County offers many options for riding, including a few hidden gems! Taking advantage of the local parks and trails is not only good for the horse and rider, it lets our neighbors know that we are an active community whose presence should be considered in the civic planning process.
Please keep in mind, an important role in being a considerate horse owner is cleaning up after your horse at trail-heads and in trailer parking lots. By exercising some common courtesy, other users from the general public will be more welcoming about continuing to allow horses in parks and other open space areas.
Visit these links for current information on public equestrian trails/arenas:
Jefferson County Open Space (no fees)
Open Arena Rides at Jeffco Fairgrounds (MUST SCHEDULE A TIME)
Prospect Recreation & Park District Facilites & Arenas
Bear Creek Lake Park (day fee or annual pass)
Arvada's Indiana Equestrian Center
Douglas County Horseback Riding Trails
Equestrian Skills Course in Colorado Springs
Westernaires Adult Ride Program
Download the Colorado Trail Explorer App:
Discover Colorado’s expansive network of trails and track your experience out on them. An outstanding free app, COTREX offers the most comprehensive trail maps available for the state and is built atop data from over 230 trail managers. Find your trail, record your ride, and share your ride data to social media. Colorado Trail Explorer Website