JCHC Members Submit Comments on Regulation Amendment Case 22-122945AM – Transportation Design and Construction Manual - 2nd Referral

The Jefferson County Transportation Design & Construction Manual (formerly known as Roadway Design & Construction Manual) contains the minimum design and technical criteria for the design and construction of streets/roads in Jefferson County. It was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on March 21, 1995. The current version was revised on December 17, 2019. The County was looking for input to the revised plan by the end of 2023. You can find the existing plan here https://www.jeffco.us/2632/Transportation-Design-Construction-Manual

The Jefferson County Horse Council (JCHC) crafted language to provide input into the Transportation Design and Construction Manual – 2nd referral, to get our equestrian voices heard for consideration to changes. Click the button below to download JCHC’s entire contribution to this effort.

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