Upcoming events.

Wildfire Safety Fair, Hosted by Xcel Energy
This is a public outreach opportunity for the JCHC Emergency Evacuation Team (EET). We will focus on the needs of large animal owners faced by evacuation needs. We will provide information on how they and their animals can be better prepared for a wildfire evacuation, how animals can be moved if they do not have transportation arrangements, and how the Jefferson County Fairgrounds may be activated as a temporary holding facility for large animals. JCHC will be sharing a booth with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control Unit. This is a free event.

March JCHC Board Meeting
Board meetings are typically held on Zoom. Once confirmed, meeting credentials will be emailed to all JCHC members. Reminder - ALL MEMBERS are invited and encouraged to attend meetings of the JCHC Board of Directors.

In Conversation with Western Author C.J. Box
Experience an unforgettable afternoon of storytelling with a master of suspense and crime fiction, C.J. Box, joined by a panel of talented local authors!
C.J. Box is the acclaimed author of over thirty novels, including the beloved Joe Pickett series. From his Edgar Allan Poe Award-winning Blue Heaven to his latest thriller, Battle Mountain — a New York Times and Apple Ebooks bestseller — Box's storytelling has fascinated readers worldwide.
Discover Box's journey from ranch hand and fishing guide in Wyoming to the executive producer of two hit TV adaptations. In addition to hearing from C.J. Box, this special event will include a local author panel featuring Barbara Nickless, Manuel Ramos, Emily Littlejohn, Erika T. Wurth, and David Heska Wanbli Weiden.
The event will be moderated by the celebrated author and emcee, Carter Wilson.
Sponsored by the Jefferson County Public Library, this event is free and open to the public!
Click here to register for the event.

Meeker Mustang Makeover - Trainer Application Deadline
There are thousands of mustangs in temporary or long-term holding facilities. The Meeker Mustang Makeover is a competition that helps to train and find these horses new homes and new lives, as well as educate the public about the mustang, the iconic wild horse of the American West. This is your chance to train a mustang! There will be thirty-five competitors selected to train an untouched mustang for 120 days and then compete for prize money and scholarships. The competition and auction are on August 22 and 23 at the Rio Blanco County Fairgrounds in Meeker, Colorado. The three divisions are:
1. Youth (ages 10 – 17) in-hand for yearling mustangs,
2. Adult (15 years and older) under saddle for mustangs three years and older, and,
3. Adult (17 years and older) in-hand for mustangs two years and older.
Visit www.meekermustangmakeover.org for more information or to register.

Jeffco 4-H Winter Classic Pleasure Show 2
Part 2 of a 2-part pleasure series presented by Jeffco 4-H as part of the Winter Classic Horse Show Series.
This is an open show - Anyone over the age of 8 is welcome to participate.
Show 2 classes include:
English Rail
English Show Hack
English Pattern
Walk Trot Rail
Walk Trot Pattern
Western Rail
Western Pattern
Ranch Rail
Ranch Pattern
Registration for all Winter Classic events is on the Jeffco 4-H website: https://sites.google.com/view/jeffco-4h-winter-series/home
Download the Pleasure series flyer here.

April General Membership Meeting
April’s meeting will feature a presentation from Austin Hill, Public Relations Director of the Wild Animal Sanctuary. The Wild Animal Sanctuary has multiple operations in Colorado. Austin’s presentation will focus on their 23,000 acre refuge near Craig, CO, which is their main mustang refuge.
General membership meetings are typically held on the first Monday evening of the month. All active members and volunteers will receive an email with meeting location and agenda details 7-10 days prior to the meeting.

Trailer Loading Clinic With Dale Cunningham
Horses are often reluctant to enter trailers, and this presents problems when one must go somewhere or if an evacuation is declared for a wildfire or other natural disaster. This clinic will provide you with the knowledge and techniques to successfully load your horse. Bring your difficult-to-load horse to this event, we need a few! It is open to anyone! Auditing without a horse is unlimited. The clinic is free to attend. Registration is required for participating horses. Registration is by email at EET@jeffcohorse.com. Event will be weather dependent.

Equestrian Skills Course 8th Annual Spring Fling 5K Poker Ride/Run
Hikers, bikers, runners, horses, pack burros, and horse drawn vehicles are all welcome to compete. The Equestrian Skills Course is a fantastic free resource that allows riders and their horses to practice trail skills so that they can enjoy our beautiful Colorado outdoors. Each obstacle has an easy, moderate, and hard route for completion so that riders and horses can enjoy an obstacle suitable for their abilities. This is a fundraiser for the volunteers that build and maintain these obstacles, the Friends of the Equestrian Skills Course. More information at: EquestrainSkillsCourse.org and registration is available at: https://2025SpringFling5KPoker.eventbrite.com.

Meeker Mustang Makeover
There are thousands of mustangs in temporary or long-term holding facilities. The Meeker Mustang Makeover is a competition that helps to train and find these horses new homes and new lives, as well as educate the public about the mustang, the iconic wild horse of the American West. There will be thirty-five competitors selected to train an untouched mustang for 120 days and then compete for prize money and scholarships. Friday activities include a Mustang-Only Horse Show to demonstrate the abilities and skills of the adaptable and sturdy horses, as well as the evening Mustang Mingle, a western gala where you should wear your boots, spurs, and hat for an evening of fun! Saturday activities include the Makeover Competition and Auction of the mustangs that had been in training. Refreshments, vendors, and activities for all ages will be available. Visit MEEKERMUSTANGMAKEOVER.ORG for more information.

March General Membership Meeting
Join members of JCHC and Community Equestrian for an in-depth discussion of the Equestrian Zone Bill, which was recently introduced on the Colorado State Senate floor. Representatives from all Colorado equine and equestrian groups are strongly encouraged to attend to align on the intended purpose and outcomes of the bill.
General membership meetings are typically held in person on the first Monday evening of the month. A live stream of this meeting will also be made available by our friends at the Ralston Valley Coalition. The stream can be accessed at https://youtube.com/live/CMw4u-bYXaY?feature=share

Jeffco 4-H Winter Classic Pleasure Show 1
Part 1 of a 2-part pleasure series presented by Jeffco 4-H as part of the Winter Classic Horse Show Series.
This is an open show - Anyone over the age of 8 is welcome to participate.
Show 1 classes include:
English Rail
English Show Hack
English Riding Control Pattern
Walk Trot Rail
Walk Trot Pattern
Western Trail (including walk/trot)
Western Rail
Western Riding Control Pattern
Ranch Riding Pattern
Registration for all Winter Classic events is on the Jeffco 4-H website: https://sites.google.com/view/jeffco-4h-winter-series/home
Download the Pleasure series flyer here.

February JCHC Board Meeting
Board meetings are typically held on Zoom. Once confirmed, meeting credentials will be emailed to all JCHC members. Reminder - ALL MEMBERS are invited and encouraged to attend meetings of the JCHC Board of Directors.

Jeffco 4-H Winter Classic Gymkhana Show 2
Part 2 of a 2-part gymkhana series presented by Jeffco 4-H as part of the Winter Classic Horse Show Series.
This is an open show - Anyone over the age of 8 is welcome to participate.
Show classes include:
75 Up and Back
Streaking Poles
Mystery Race
Registration for all Winter Classic events is on the Jeffco 4-H website: https://sites.google.com/view/jeffco-4h-winter-series/home
Download the Gymkhana series flyer here.

February General Membership Meeting
This month’s meeting will feature a presentation from Dr. Debbie O’Reilly from Vibrant Energy Healing Center. Dr. O’Reilly is a human and animal chiropractor, acupuncturist, holistic healer, and horse owner since 1979. The focus of her presentation will be equine chiropractic.
General membership meetings are typically held on the first Monday evening of the month. All active members and volunteers will receive an email with meeting location and agenda details 7-10 days prior to the meeting.

Jeffco 4-H Winter Classic Gymkhana Show 1
Part 1 of a 2-part gymkhana series presented by Jeffco 4-H as part of the Winter Classic Horse Show Series.
This is an open show - Anyone over the age of 8 is welcome to participate.
Show 1 classes include:
Speed Barrels
Mystery Race
Registration for all Winter Classic events is on the Jeffco 4-H website: https://sites.google.com/view/jeffco-4h-winter-series/home
Download the Gymkhana series flyer here.

January JCHC Board Meeting
Board meetings are typically held on Zoom. Once confirmed, meeting agendas and Zoom credentials will be emailed to all active JCHC members in good standing.
Reminder - ALL MEMBERS are invited and encouraged to attend meetings of the JCHC Board of Directors.

January General Membership Meeting and Strategic Planning Session
This month’s meeting will focus on developing and prioritizing JCHC’s goals for 2025. We encourage all members to attend and participate in mapping out the next 12 months of our organization’s efforts to support equines and equestrians in Jefferson County.
General membership meetings are typically held on the first Monday evening of the month. All active members and volunteers will receive an email with meeting location and agenda details 7-10 days prior to the meeting.

EET Volunteer Orientation
Join us for an in-person Emergency Evacuation Team orientation session at the Golden Public Library. This orientation will cover the mission of the EET, its history, the phases of an evacuation event, a discussion of the team’s structure and responsibilities, and an overview of the fairgrounds facilities. This orientation session is open to all, including new and prospective volunteers, and former volunteers who wish to return or need a refresher. Since this will not be a hands-on session with live animals, those under the age of 18 are welcome to attend to get a head start and to learn about how they can become involved in the future.
Please fill out an application here before the meeting if possible. We will have paper copies available if you cannot access the application online.

ACC Equine Open House
Attend our Open House and learn all about ACC's Equine Training and Management Program. Does the Spanish California/Nevada tradition spark your interest? Then, this Open House is for you! This free information session is led by our lead instructor, Damian Ficca.
Damian Ficca is a Denver native who has worked horses throughout the western United States. He is one of a select group of individuals who specialize in traditional western training, with roots in the Spanish-California/Nevada horse training methods. A former Animal and Agricultural Sciences teacher, Mr. Ficca combines extensive knowledge and experience with a love for horses. Click HERE for registration information.

JCHC Holiday Potluck Party
Celebrate the holiday season with us at our annual holiday potluck on December 9th. All JCHC members and volunteers are welcome to attend! Please bring a dish to share and a beverage (adult or otherwise) of your choice. There will be a white elephant gift exchange (horse-themed, under $20) for those who wish to participate. Please RSVP to pdyon54@aol.com by December 2nd.

EET Volunteer Orientation
Join us for an in-person Emergency Evacuation Team orientation session at the Standley Lake Library. This orientation will cover the mission of the EET, its history, the phases of an evacuation event, a discussion of the team’s structure and responsibilities, and an overview of the fairgrounds facilities. This orientation session is open to all, including new and prospective volunteers, and former volunteers who wish to return or need a refresher. Since this will not be a hands-on session with live animals, those under the age of 18 are welcome to attend to get a head start and to learn about how they can become involved in the future.
Please fill out an application here before the meeting if possible. We will have paper copies available if you cannot access the application online.

Equestrian Open House, Hosted by Community Equestrian
Join Community Equestrian for an Open House to mark the anniversary of the tragic event that killed Griffin and injured his rider, to review the accomplishments of the organization over the past year, and to introduce the Equestrian Bill of Rights, a legislative effort to identify equestrian zones, require access and maintenance of safe infrastructure on equestrian-designated trails and roadways, and adopt the “Pass Wide and Slow” rule on roadways and trails. Click here to download more information.

November General Membership Meeting and Board Elections
Our November General Membership Meeting is reserved for the election of our Board members for the coming year.
All current JCHC paid members are highly encouraged to attend and cast votes for the coming year's Board members. You have a voice in the direction of the organization and this is the best way to make your voice heard.

October JCHC Board Meeting
Board meetings are typically held on Zoom. Once confirmed, meeting credentials will be emailed to all JCHC members. Reminder - ALL MEMBERS are invited and encouraged to attend meetings of the JCHC Board of Directors.

Westernaires Annual Fundraising Show
Since 1949, the Westernaires Annual Show has become a tradition spanning generations. As Autumn settles in the Westernaires family opens its doors to showcase the hard won skills of hundreds of the most tenacious young people in America! This “home show” is a MUST SEE!
The Saturday shows are at 11 am, with a 10:30 pre-show, and at 4 pm with a 3:30 pre-show.
The Sunday show is at 2 pm, with a 1:30 pre-show.
Visit www.westernaires.org for ticketing information

October General Membership Meeting
We will be joined by Michaela Smith, a Westernaires Red Team rider, for an overview of the upcoming Westernaires Annual Show and insight into the Westernaires experience from the perspective of a Varsity Team rider. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about the program and to support the organization by purchasing tickets to the October 19th and 20th shows at the National Western Complex.
Michaela's presentation will be followed by an overview of Jefferson County's Mounted Patrol program and the horse and rider training involved with mounted patrol. The information will be presented by Sergeant Janie Enriquez, Lead Officer of the Jeffco Mounted Patrol Unit.
Enter the Westernaires complex from Indiana Street and proceed to the parking lot on the West side of the Glen Keller Equestrian Center.

September JCHC Board Meeting
Board meetings are typically held on Zoom. Once confirmed, meeting credentials will be emailed to all JCHC members. Reminder - ALL MEMBERS are invited and encouraged to attend meetings of the JCHC Board of Directors.

Gallop to Give - A Fundraiser Benefiting The Right Step, Inc.
A fun evening of fundraising to support The Right Step, Inc. - don't walk, gallop to join us for a good cause!
Tickets include a barbeque dinner, games and horse play, silent auction, and conversations with clients, volunteers, and staff.
Beer and Wine available (Cash bar)
Funds raised go to client scholarships and care for our wonderful horses

West Metro Family Fire Muster
West Metro Fire Rescue's annual Family Fire Muster is a community-favorite event aimed at educating people of all ages about the the importance of fire safety, injury prevention, and what to do in case of emergencies with FUN and interactive experiences. JCHC will have a promotional/outreach table at this event. We’ll be handing out information on Emergency Preparedness focusing on equines and large animals. We’ll also be promoting JCHC and recruiting volunteers for the JCHC-EET. Click here for more info.

September General Membership Meeting
This month’s speaker will be Christine Remy, Board Chair of The Right Step, an adaptive riding and horsemanship program where clients of all ages with a range of physical, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive disabilities experience freedoms they have never felt before.
General membership meetings are typically held on the first Monday evening of the month. This month’s meeting has been shifted by one week due to the Labor Day holiday.

September EET Training/JCART Joint Functional Exercise
This is an annual emergency simulation event coordinated by the Jeffco Animal Control Unit to prepare JCART members for various scenarios that may be encountered during an emergency evacuation. All EET managers, volunteers, and prospective volunteers are highly encouraged to attend. The event includes lunch and a post-mortem operational review with the ACU and haulers. Emails with details and an RSVP request will be sent to all current EET volunteers prior to the event. Please email EET@jeffcohorse.com if you not a current volunteer but are interested in joining.

August JCHC Board Meeting
Board meetings are typically held on Zoom. Once confirmed, meeting credentials will be emailed to all JCHC members. Reminder - ALL MEMBERS are invited and encouraged to attend meetings of the JCHC Board of Directors.

August EET Training/Activation Recap
This month’s training session will be a discussion of what went well and what we may improve upon in the future, based on feedback from the 113 volunteers who made the recent activation such a success. We would like as many of the volunteers who donated their time to the Quarry and Alexander Mountain fire evacuations to participate as possible. Your candid feedback will only make our team stronger and more effective!

BBSC Poker Ride Benefitting the Emergency Evacuation Team
Join the Buffalo Bill Saddle Club for their Annual Poker Ride at Staunton State Park. Proceeds from this year’s ride will benefit Jefferson County Horse Council’s Emergency Evacuation Team. Check in will start at 8am and first riders will depart at 9. This is not a race, and riders are encouraged to take their time and enjoy the scenery and comradery. All riders will gather at 1pm at the end of the ride route for lunch and prizes, including a cash prize for the rider with the best poker hand. Please click here for further information or here to register, become a sponsor, or donate.

July EET Training
“Incident Management Movie Night” - This training session will focus on Incident Command and Management techniques. Our Operations Manager has curated a number of videos for us to view and discuss, which will provide our volunteers with an opportunity to learn some critical aspects of emergency management, beyond the care of our large animal “clients”. EET Managers are strongly encouraged to attend and all volunteers are welcome.

June JCHC Board Meeting
Board meetings are typically held on Zoom. Once confirmed, meeting credentials will be emailed to all JCHC members. Reminder - ALL MEMBERS are invited and encouraged to attend meetings of the JCHC Board of Directors.

June General Membership Meeting/Dinner/Social
Our regular membership meeting for June will NOT take place on 6/3. Instead, we invite all of our members to gather for dinner and conversation at the Fox Hollow Golf Club restaurant in Lakewood. The restaurant’s full menu will be available. This is a self-pay event. Please RSVP to Lisa Woodward at lcw0901@comcast.net.

June EET Training - Goat Handling & Care
This training session will focus on the intake, handling, and care of goats during an emergency evacuation. All EET managers and volunteers are encouraged to attend.

Buffalo Bill Saddle Club Gymkhana
Join us for the Annual BBSC Gymkhana on Saturday June 8th. Events begin at 9am. Registration opens at 8. All ages are welcome. Entry fees are $5.00 per class, with a one-time $10.00 office fee for non-members. 4-H Rules apply and all riders 18 years of age and younger must wear a helmet. Click here to download more information.