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Meeker Mustang Makeover - Trainer Application Deadline

There are thousands of mustangs in temporary or long-term holding facilities. The Meeker Mustang Makeover is a competition that helps to train and find these horses new homes and new lives, as well as educate the public about the mustang, the iconic wild horse of the American West. This is your chance to train a mustang! There will be thirty-five competitors selected to train an untouched mustang for 120 days and then compete for prize money and scholarships. The competition and auction are on August 22 and 23 at the Rio Blanco County Fairgrounds in Meeker, Colorado. The three divisions are: 

1.   Youth (ages 10 – 17) in-hand for yearling mustangs,

2.  Adult (15 years and older) under saddle for mustangs three years and older, and,

3.  Adult (17 years and older) in-hand for mustangs two years and older. 

March 29

In Conversation with Western Author C.J. Box

April 6

Jeffco 4-H Winter Classic Pleasure Show 2